Youth Ministry (Grade 4/Age 9 and Older)

Lisa Martinson, DCE

June/July 2024 DCE Lisa’s Page

Challenge for Youth: Changing things up this year – Alphabet verses to memorize.

  • May 26-June 1: (U) Under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield (Psalm 91:4).
  • June 2-June 8: (V) Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life (John 6:47).
  • June 9-June 15: (W) We are more than conquerors through him who loved us (Romans 8:37).
  • June 16-June 22: (X) May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 6:14).
  • June 23-June29: (Y) You are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).
  • June 30-July 6: (Z) Zion hears and rejoices (Psalm 97:8).  
  • July 7-July 13: (A) All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.
  • July 14-July 20: (B) Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved. Acts 16:31.
  • July21-July 27: (C) Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7.
  • July 28-August 3: (D) Do to others what you would have them do to you. Matthew 7:12.

It is official – Jeff will be retiring at the end of the summer.  We will be moving back to Wisconsin to not only take care of his mother, but also to continue serving the Lord in whatever ways He has in store for us.  At this point in time, the ministry will continue as planned through August.  The Board of Education, the Board of Elders, and a smattering of other volunteers have already started to work together and plan toward the future.  Your prayers for this transition and for the person God is preparing for this position will be greatly appreciated.

Summer Sunday School for all youth and children.  I have a list of short Christian films that run between 30-40 minutes.  We will have time to watch and talk about them each week.  We will not have class on Sundays, May 26, June 9, July 7, July 28, and August 18.  We will meet upstairs in the “couch” room.  Bring a Bible, a Beverage, and a Snack.

Rochester Servant Event (RSE): RSE will be from Sunday, June 9-Thursday, June 13. After the “official” event is completed with worship on Wednesday evening, we will enjoy time with Ardelle and return home on Thursday morning.  I sent out a doodle poll to figure out the best date to get together and make sure all 8 of us are on the same page when it comes to trip details.

Mission Teams Serving for Fellowship Hour: Our youth and adult Mission Trip participants are asked to come and help serve for Fellowship Hour on Sunday, June 9. Funds raised from this will help offset your out-of-pocket expenses for the Mission Trip (Rochester, Costa Rica, and/or Idaho). Please bring a dozen (or equivalent) treats to serve.

Prayers for our Rochester Servant Event Team - Lisa Martinson, Erin Nybakke, Grace & Jackie Ohmann, Timothy, Abby, Hannah, and Bonnie Pape will leave on June 9.  Your prayers for God to work in the lives of the participants, the planners, and in those we serve are appreciated.

Picnic at the Ball Park –The church softball team is playing a 6pm game at Babcock field that night.  The Fellowship Committee is looking to plan another Picnic at the ballpark and one of their options is June 23. Stay tuned to find out what we are doing that night 😊

Prayers for our Costa Rica Mission Team – Jonah Koch, Marvin/Julianna/Eowyn Camareno, and Dave/Bonnie/Hannah/Abby/Timothy Pape will be leaving the end of June to serve the Lord in Costa Rica.  We ask for your prayers for safe travels, joy filled service, and an increase in Christian faith in the participants and those they serve.

Vacation Bible School 2024 – Camp Firelight – July 15-18, 2024. Go on an exciting journey where you will learn to trust God no matter what situation life brings. Know that God is with you and learn to feel confident in sharing the Good News of God’s Love through Jesus Christ. Youth and adults are needed -- sign up today at

Prayers for our Idaho Servant Adventures Mission Team – Jeff/Lisa Martinson, Erin Nybakke, Tony/Bobbi Schmidtke, and Elijah Wagner will be on their Idaho mission trip from July 26 -August 3.  We would love it if you added to your prayers God’s blessings for safe travels, awesome adventures, and hearts opened to the love of Jesus Christ.

Pregnancy Options (Faribault) 5k/10k “Run Baby Run” Fundraiser Event will be held in the morning on Saturday, August 10 at the Rice County Fairgrounds.  If you would like training information for either the 5k or the 10k and don’t know where to turn, contact me.  Healthy 10k training will take roughly 8-10 weeks.  5k training will take roughly 8-10 weeks. I’m not a trainer or a professional, but I do have some great recommendations to help get from the start line to the finish line without cheating 😊

Youth Cabin Retreat –August 12-14 (Monday – Wednesday) We will meet at church at 8:30am on Monday and head north.  We will return on Wednesday at about 4pm Cost is $25 per person and includes meals from Monday lunch through Wednesday lunch.  Registration deadline is Monday, August 5 please.  I need to have enough time to make sleeping arrangements, enlist drivers/chaperones and buy food.  Adults – you are welcome to join us, please let me know if you can drive and how many total people you can take in your vehicle.  To help with timely registrations, a signup sheet is on the youth bulletin board or you can simply email me and let me know.  Payment is due the day we leave.

Mission Trips Presentation – will take place on Sunday, August 18 during the Bible Study Hour.  Youth and Adults representing all 3 of our summer mission trips will share their stories through word and pictures.  Join us and hear what they experienced as they served the Lord.


Youth Ministry Calendar Listing *Subject to some changes

June 9: Graduate Recognition during Worship

June 9: Mission Teams Commissioning during Worship

June 9: Mission Teams Serving Fellowship Hour Treats/Coffee

June 9: Idaho Mission Team Meeting (after Fellowship Hour until 11:30)

June 9-13 – Rochester Servant Event

June 23: 5:00pm Destination Unknown

June 24-July 14 – Costa Rica Mission Trip

July 5-7 – Lisa and Jeff Vacation

July 10: 5:30-7:00pm – VBS Setup

July 15-18 – Vacation Bible School

July 26-August 3 – Idaho Servant Adventures Trip

August 10: 8:00-10:00am – Pregnancy Options (Faribault) 5k/10k Fundraiser Run

August 12-14: Youth Cabin Retreat

August 18: 10:30-11:30am – Servant Events Presentation (Rochester, Costa Rica, and Idaho Participants)