Weekly News


Sunday, July 21
9:00 am Worship
10:00 am
10:30 am
Bible Class/Summer SS
7:05 pm
Softball @ Sechlar 2

Monday, July 22
6:30 pm Bible Class

Tuesday, July 23
10:00 - 11:00 am Story Time

Wednesday, July 24
12:15 - 12:45 pm Noontime Organ Recital, Bethel Lutheran -1321 North Ave.
4 - 6:00 pm
Trinity Library Hours

Thursday, July 25
6:00 pm Worship

Friday, July 26
9:00 am - Noon Pastor Boehme Office Hours

Saturday, July 27
7:30 am Der Lutheraner

Sunday, July 28
9:00 am Worship
10:00 am
10:30 am
Voters’ Assembly Meeting w/presentation from Pastor Reat
8:10 pm
Softball @ Sechlar 2

Pastor Klein will be on  vacation through July 28.  Please call the church office or Pastor Boehme if you have any pastoral needs.

DCE Lisa will be traveling with the Idaho Servant Mission Team from  July 26 to August 3.


Please keep the participants of the Idaho Servant Event Mission Team in your prayers as they leave for their trip Friday, July 26 and return Saturday, August 3.  Team members include:  Jeff and Lisa Martinson, Tony and Bobbi Schmidtke, Braelle Larson, Erin Nybakke, and Elijah Wagner.

As everyone knows by now, Lisa will be leaving us this fall.  Her departure will leave a large hole in Trinity, not only in our youth program, but also in many other areas of our church life.  Over the last several weeks, the Boards of Elders and Education, the Pastors and other interested individuals have met to discuss our direction going forward.  We all agreed that an important step like this required Congregational input.  Next Sunday (July 28th) we will have our quarterly voters meeting.  This meeting will be mainly dedicated to hear what ideas you have regarding what type of person we should look for and what areas of responsibilities we need to fill.  Pastor Klein has put together a short description of some options we might want to consider.  This list is a good starting point to begin the discussion.  However, we want to consider all ideas.  Please pick up a voters packet and come to the meeting.  If you have any questions or comments, please talk to a Board member, Pastor or me.  Thanks

John Greenfield, President

Ruth’s House, a current mission of our congregation, is celebrating their 20th anniversary with a free family event at Apple Creek Orchard in Faribault on Friday, August 23rd from 5 - 8 PM.  Ruth’s house will be celebrating 20 years of achieving their mission to provide a safe home and supportive services for women and children in crisis.  The community-wide event will include hay rides through the orchard, yard games, kids’ activities, food trucks, and live music.  The event is a family event celebrating the families that Ruth’s House has served over the last 20 years and the families they will serve in the future.  If you would like to attend the event, they are asking for RSVP’s at form.jotform.com.

There will be a congregational car cruise Sunday, August 4. Participants should assemble at the memorial swimming pool parking lot on 7th Street starting at 3:15. The cruise will begin at 3:30. Participants will end up at Sechlar Park Field #1 to cheer on our softball team and to participate in the hot dog picnic sponsored by the Fellowship Committee. All cars - classic cars, trucks, SUV’s, and other vehicles are welcome to participate - as well as their drivers and passengers. Looking forward to seeing you there. To aid the Fellowship Committee please sign up on the sheet in the hallway or let the Church Office or Pastor Boehme know by Thursday, August 1.

Rev. Gatluk Reat will be preaching at our Sunday service next week. He has been called to serve the Sudanese here in Minnesota. He will also give a brief talk about his ministry at the quarterly voters assembly that Sunday. Please join us to hear about a part of our District’s Sudanese ministry, and to share ideas about our moving forward with future staffing for our youth program.

VBS was an amazing camping adventure! Almost 30 campers learned to put their trust in God. The week was full of faith-building fun: Bible adventures, art/crafts, music, games, and team-building activities.

We would like to thank the 25 volunteers who helped us through this adventure. We could not have done it without you! We would also like to thank the congregation for supporting this program through monetary, supply and food donations. This was truly a team effort and we know that God's love sparked joy in everyone that participated and volunteered this past week.

Audry Hovland & Sherry Schwaab
VBS Directors

Everyone is invited to Sechlar field #1 on Sunday, August 4th, to cheer on our church softball team and enjoy a hot dog picnic.  The game will start at 6:00 p.m. and we will begin serving grilled hot dogs, chips, cookies, and bottled water at 6:15 p.m.  Please bring your own lawn chairs or blankets, and be ready to cheer on our team!  If you have any picnic questions, please talk to a member of the Fellowship Committee: Bobbi Schmidtke; Linda Munson; Darlene Larson; Kay Koch; Rob Gottsch; Colleen Gottsch; & Barb Anderson.  See you at the ballpark!

Due to the street reconstruction work going on around the church building, Trinity will not host a National Night Out neighborhood party and vintage car show this August.  The NNO committee will put up door hangers in the neighborhood to let the neighbors know about the cancellation.  If you have any questions or if you can help put up the door hangers, please talk to one of these committee members: Pastor Boehme, Judy Boehme, Kurt Anderson, and Barb Anderson.  Many thanks for your past support of the NNO parties!

On August 11th, we will recognize the fiftieth anniversary of Rev. Boehme’s ordination as a pastor. This celebration will include worship at 9:00 am at which Rev. Nabil Nour, fourth Vice-president of the Synod and one of Rev. Boehme’s former vicars, will preach. After the service, we will have a dinner in his honor. 

We also invite you to participate in a card shower for Rev. Boehme. There will be a box in the Fellowship hall in which you can put a card that will be given to him at the dinner. Feel free to share with him any stories of how his ministry has impacted you.




July Baptism Anniversaries - will be celebrated during Fellowship time (10:00 am) on July 28.  Please join us!  
Here is who the church office has listed as baptized during June:
Armand Boehme        Dana Criswell        Elijah Wagner
Isaiah Wagner
The list of baptism anniversaries is also printed in the newsletter every month.



 People Serving at Trinity                  


This Week - July 21, 2024

  Pastor - Rev. Dr. Armand Boehme
  Communion Assistant - Deb Thomforde
  Ushers - Group H (Dan Wett, Rudy, Myleen & Ashlie Maurer, 
                                      Rob Gottsch, Jim Frederick) 
  Worship Camera
- Josh Wagner
  Vacuuming - July 21 to 27 - Jim & Kay Koch
  Lawn Mowing - July 21 to 27 - Russell Kraft
  Church Softball - 7:05 pm at Sechlar 2


  Next Week - July 28, 2024

  Pastor - Rev. Gatluk Reat/Rev. Dr. Armand Boehme
  Communion Assistant - Kurt Anderson
  Ushers - Group A (Ray Larson, David Downhour, Ray Ozmun,
                                      Larry Pralle)
  Greeter -
  Worship Camera
- Amy Klein
  Vacuuming - July 28 to August 3 - John Greenfield
  Lawn Mowing - July 28 to August 3 - Larry Pralle
  Church Softball - 8:10 pm at Sechlar 2


July Counting Team - Larry & Joan Pralle
                                   Paul & Jean Childers

July Altar Guild
- June Rado, Mary Vogt, Darlene Larson







 Scripture Readings

July 28 - The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
                                  Genesis 9:8-17
                               Ephesians 3:14-21
                                    Mark 6:45-56


Wednesday - July 11                        Sunday - July 14
        8                                                    57



   Trinity Office Hours - Monday through Thursday
                                          8:00 am - 2:00 pm
                                    Friday (Pastor Boehme)
                                       9:00 am - 12:00 pm