Weekly News


Sunday, March 30
8:30 am Private Confession
9:00 am Worship  
10:00 am Fellowship w/Baptism Celebration
10:30 am Sunday School/Bible Class

Monday, March 31
5:30 pm Private Confession
6:30 pm Bible Class

Wednesday, April 2
2:00 pm Lenten Worship
7:00 pm Lenten Worship

8:00 pm Choir Practice
8:30 pm Praise Team

Thursday, April 3
5:00 pm Private Confession
6:00 pm Worship
7:00 pm Boards
8:15 pm Church Council

Friday, April 4
9:00 am to Noon Pastor
Boehme’s Office Hours

Sunday, April 6
8:30 am Private Confession
9:00 am Worship  
10:00 am Fellowship
10:30 am Sunday School/Bible Class


I would like to thank you for the prayers and get-well wishes while I have been recovering.  I am feeling much better.  I feel blessed to have such a caring church family.  May God bless all of you!
June Volkert

Next Sunday, April 6, Pastor Klein will resume leading the morning Bible Class.  He will lead a 4 week study of the Nicene Creed.  This
year will mark the 1,700th anniversary of the adoption of this Creed.  This creed helps us to understand what the Bible teaches about who our Triune God is.

Sunday School children and other volunteers will be presenting the annual Palm Sunday skit at the beginning of the service that morning.  Final rehearsal for the skit will be during the Sunday School hour on April 6.

On April 12th, we will have our annual church clean-up.  This is where we will work on those areas that our volunteers who clean each week do not have the time to work on.  In the past, we have cleaned out the light fixtures, dusted hard to get places, cleaned the mats in the entryways, wash windows, to name a few.  We usually spend about 2 hours doing this, and the building looks better for the upcoming Holy Week services.  If you know of some place that could use some sprucing up, please let the church office know.  Or better yet, join us at 9:00 am on April 12th to pitch in.  If you have any questions, please ask Pastor Klein.

Pastor Boehme is in need of assistance with both Good Friday services on April 18.  The 2 pm service will feature a reader’s theater type format and will need 8 individuals who are willing to participate, including the voice of Jesus, Pilate, the crowd, etc.  
For the 7:30 pm service, there is a need for an acolyte, ushers, 4
lighting techs, and one other individual.  If you would like to assist, please see Pastor Boehme or call the church office.  Thank you.

For all of you Thrivent members – If you have Thrivent Choice dollars, remember that they must be designated to a charity or non-profit before March 31, 2025 for funds accrued during 2024.  There are cards on the table in the narthex that will lead you through the designation process.  If you would like personalized help, you can call the Thrivent office at (507) 384-3186 (Faribault) or (507) 645-2427 (Northfield).
If you choose to give these dollars to Trinity, we will also allow you to designate a fund or organization within Trinity such as youth, LWML, etc.  If you do choose to do this, please let our Treasurer, Barb Anderson, know the amount and where it should go.  Undesignated funds are allocated by the Church Council.  Thank you.  Your Thrivent Advocates.

What is Re:Vitality?  It is a congregation self-assessment tool to get input from to determine our strengths and weaknesses.  It is a program developed by the LCMS to help any church.  Young or old, small or large, rural or urban, every congregation is vital - they have life.  The first step will be for each member in our congregation and others who attend regularly to complete a survey.  We will have a 3 week window to gather all your input.  The national office will analyze this information and send our results to us.  We then can select from possible modules which have been developed to help equip us in carrying out God’s mission. Stay tuned for further details.  If you have questions before the next update please ask any member of the Board of Elders - Kurt Anderson, Mike Aurich, Jim Koch, and Josh Wagner.


Baptism Anniversaries

Baptism Anniversaries - for the month of March will be celebrated during Fellowship time (10:00 am) on March 30.
Gloria Berg        Jean Childers        Jeff Ciffra
Lillian Criswell        Marcia Huber        Linda Munson
Cliff Roberts        Kathy Schuster        Susan Stock
Adaline Swanson    Lynn Webber


 People Serving at Trinity 

This Week - March 30, 2025
Pastor - Rev. Dr. Brent Klein
Communion Assistant -  Tony Schmidtke
Ushers - Group G (
Craig & Kathy Schuster, Jim Grieser)
Acolyte -  Elijah Wagner
Greeters - Kurt Anderson, John Pfeiffer
Vacuuming - March 30 to Apr. 5 - Linda Munson
Snow Removal -  March 30 to Apr. 5 - Brent Casmey
Altar Guild - April - Brenda Niebuhr, Becky DeMann,
                                            Mary Vogt
Counting Team - April - Thomforde’s and Niebuhr’s

Next Week - April 6, 2025
Pastor - Rev. Dr. Brent Klein
Communion Assistant -  Deb Thomforde
Ushers - Group H (
Dan Wett, Rudy Maurer & family, Rob Gottsch
                                       Jim Frederick
Acolyte -  Maddox Schwaab
Greeters - Craig & Kathy Schuster
Vacuuming - April 6 to 12 - John Pfeiffer
Snow Removal -  April 6 to 12 - Dan Wett

     Worship camera schedule is paused for now until the tech               
                        updates are completed.


 Scripture Readings

April 6, 2025 - The Fifth Sunday in Lent
Isaiah 43:16-21
Philippians 3:4b-14
Luke 20:9-20




March 20 (Thurs.)         March 23 (Sun)
         6                                    81

         Wednesday Lent 3 - March 26
           2 PM - 11            7 PM - 16

 Trinity Office Hours - Monday through Thursday
                                          8:00 am - 2:00 pm
                                    Friday (Pastor Boehme)
                                       9:00 am - 12:00 pm