Weekly News


Sunday, February 23
8:30 am Private Confession
9:00 am Worship  
10:00 am Fellowship w/Baptism Anniversaries
10:30 am Sunday School/Bible Class

Monday, February 24
5:30 pm Private Confession
6:30 pm Bible Class

Wednesday, February 26
6:30 pm Confirmation

Thursday, February 27
5:00 pm Private Confession
6:00 pm Worship

Friday, February 28
9:00 am to Noon Pastor Boehme’s Office Hours

Sunday, March 2
8:30 am Private Confession
9:00 am Worship  
10:00 am Fellowship
10:30 am Sunday School/Bible Class


There will not be Wednesday dinners during March and April this year because of the Ash Wednesday and other Lenten worship services. There will be one more dinner at 6:00 p.m. on May 7th before the summer choir break.

Please come to the Fellowship Hall on Monday, March 17th, at 11:30 a.m. for a delicious soup lunch, dessert, and conversation, followed by optional card games.  Everyone is welcome to come! There is no cost to participate and no signup sheet.  The lunch is hosted by the Fellowship Committee.

Trinity music groups would like to offer a special thanks and farewell to Kevin Mortensen, who shared his trumpet-playing for worship and the children’s Christmas service.  He is leaving this area for a new job and we would also like to thank him for his faithful tenor singing in Trinity Choir and for often helping out with the Trinity Ringers when a substitute or extra players were needed.  We will miss him, but are happy for his new job opportunity.   We know he will be a blessing to any congregation, as he has been a great blessing to Trinity.  Judy Boehme

Trinity youth will be making pre-made freezer meals for members of the congregation.  Anyone interested in these meals can place an order for them this Sunday, February 23.  The meals will be available for a “suggested donation price”.  Menu items include:  Cranberry Chicken, Lasagna, Tatertot Hotdish (or casserole, depending on where you are from!), and Enchiladas.  An order form is included in this weekly and they can be found in the fellowship hall.  The meals will be available to pick up on March 2nd.  If you have questions, please see Sheldon Volkert.

Join in the fun in February!  We will be having a few “Undies Sundays” where the LWML will collect new underwear to donate to the Orphan Grain Train.  Any color, any size will be accepted - boys, girls, men, women!  The LWML thanks you for all you do.

Pastor Boehme began showing the video series “Critical Decisions Later in Life”  last Sunday.  The series is 7 sessions long and is geared to assisting individuals in staying in their homes as long as possible.  It is not too late to join this series, please see Pastor Boehme.  Also, if you missed the first week and are interested in viewing the video, please see Pastor Boehme.  He is coordinating a time when everyone interested can catch up on the first video at the same time.





Baptism Anniversary Celebration - Those who were             
baptized in the month of February are invited to join us today at the Baptismal Table during fellowship time for a special treat, made for you in remembrance of the day you became a baptized member of Christ’s family.
          Doug DeMann                 Becky Grieser
          Betty Habermas             Brenda Niebuhr
          Ray Ozmun                    Susan Roberts
          Bobbi Schmidtke            Sherry Schwaab
          Morgan Voigt                  Dan Wett 


 People Serving at Trinity 

This Week - February 23, 2025
Pastor - Rev. Dr. Brent Klein
Communion Assistant - Tony Schmidtke
Ushers - Group A (Ray Larson, David Downhour, Ray Ozmun,
                                   Larry Pralle)
Acolyte - Elijah Wagner
Greeters - Larry and Joan Pralle
Worship Camera - Jonah Koch
Vacuuming - Feb. 23 to March 1 - Jim and Kay Koch
Snow Removal -  Feb. 23 to March 1 - David Nybakke

Next Week - March 2, 2025
Pastor - Rev. Dr. Brent Klein
Communion Assistant -  Barbara Greenfield
Ushers - Group B (Tom Pumper, Jeff & Holly Ciffra,
                                   Jackie Ohmann)
Acolyte - Maddox Schwaab
Greeters - The Josh Wagner family
Worship Camera - Erin, Jared Nybakke
Vacuuming - March 2 to 8 - John Greenfield
Snow Removal -  March 2 to 8 - Josh Wagner
Altar Guild - March - Mary Ozmun, Linda Munson,
                                            Darlene Larson
     Counting Team - March - Larsons and Roberts

 Scripture Readings

March 2, 2025 - The Transfiguration of Our Lord
Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Hebrews 3:1-6
Luke 9:28-36





Thursday - February 13
Sunday - February 16




 Trinity Office Hours - Monday through Thursday
                                          8:00 am - 2:00 pm
                                    Friday (Pastor Boehme)
                                       9:00 am - 12:00 pm