Weekly News


Sunday, February 16
8:30 am Private Confession
9:00 am Worship  
10:00 am Fellowship
10:30 am Sunday School/Bible Class

Monday, February 17
5:30 pm Private Confession
6 - 9:00 pm Day Care Association
6:30 pm Bible Class

Tuesday, February 18
Newsletter articles Due!

Wednesday, February 19
6:00 pm Meal
6:30 pm Confirmation/Bible Class/Ringers
7:00 pm Choir

Thursday, February 20
5:00 pm Private Confession
6:00 pm Worship

Friday, February 21
9:00 am to Noon Pastor Boehme’s Office Hours

Saturday, February 22
7:30 am Der Lutheraner/Women’s Bible Study

Sunday, February 23
8:30 am Private Confession
9:00 am Worship  
10:00 am Fellowship w/Baptism Anniversaries
10:30 am Sunday School/Bible Class


Trinity music groups would like to offer a special thanks and farewell to Kevin Mortensen, who shared his trumpet-playing this morning and for the children’s Christmas service.  He is leaving this area for a new job and we would also like to thank him for his faithful tenor singing in Trinity Choir and for often helping out with the Trinity Ringers when a substitute or extra players were needed.  We will miss him, but are happy for his new job opportunity.   We know he will be a blessing to any congregation, as he has been a great blessing to Trinity.  Judy Boehme

Trinity youth will be making pre-made freezer meals for members of the congregation.  Anyone interested in these meals can place an order for them on Sunday, February 16 and Sunday, February 23.  The meals will be available for a “suggested donation price”.  Menu items include:  Cranberry Chicken, Lasagna, Tatertot Hotdish (or casserole, depending on where you are from!), and Enchiladas.  The meals will be available to pick up on March 2nd.  If you have questions, please see Sheldon Volkert.

At the November voters meeting, a proposal was brought forward to refurbish the parking lot.  As you have probably noticed, the parking lot is in pretty sad shape.  It has been quite a while since it has been patched and can be difficult for some of us to walk across.  Since at that point we only had one bid and no concrete plan for paying for it, the proposal was postponed to the January meeting.  We solicited bids from an additional two companies and received one other bid.  (One company declined to bid on it.)  At the January meeting, we were told to find out the level of interest by the congregation and to get commitments from our members to cover the cost.  The bids we received were for $57,000 and $69,000, plus additional costs if we need to replace the sidewalk along the south side of the building to make it ADA compliant.  A form was handed out to the congregation on February second to determine your interest.  If you did not get a chance to fill out the survey, additional copies are available in the Narthex.  If people show an interest in moving forward, I will put together a group to begin asking for funds to proceed.  If you have any ques
tions, please talk to Ray Ozmun, Tony Schmidtke, or me.  Thank you, John Greenfield

Here is a new list of books for reading and discussing at Book Club.
“Nerves of Steel” by Tammie Jo Shults - (March 3)
“The Undertakers Assistant” by Amanda Skenadore - (Apr. 7)
:Canary Girls” by Jennifer Chiaverini - (May 5)
“The Sisters of Glass Ferry” by Kim Michelle Richardson - (June 2)
Our meetings are held at Kildahl Place, typically on the 2nd floor in the small meeting room.

Join in the fun in February!  We will be having a few “Undies Sundays” where the LWML will collect new underwear to donate to the Orphan Grain Train.  Any color, any size will be accepted - boys, girls, men, women!  The LWML thanks you for all you do.

Don’t Forget - Newsletter articles are due to the office by Tuesday, February 18.  


February Baptism Anniversaries - will be celebrated during Fellowship time (10:00 am) on February 23.  Please join us!
          Doug DeMann                 Becky Grieser
          Betty Habermas             Brenda Niebuhr
          Ray Ozmun                    Susan Roberts
          Bobbi Schmidtke            Sherry Schwaab
          Morgan Voigt                  Dan Wett

 People Serving at Trinity 

This Week - February 16, 2025

Pastor - Rev. Dr. Brent Klein
Communion Assistant - Deb Thomforde
Ushers - Group H (Dan Wett, Rudy Maurer, Rob Gottsch,
                                   Jim Frederick)
Acolyte -
Greeters - Craig and Kathy Schuster
Worship Camera - Brent Casmey
Vacuuming - Feb. 16 to 22 - John Pfeiffer
Snow Removal -  Feb. 16 to 22 - Dan Wett
Altar Guild - February - Becky Grieser, Colleen Vivant,
                                            Brenda Niebuhr
Counting Team - February - Pralle and Childers


Next Week - February 23, 2025
Pastor - Rev. Dr. Brent Klein
Communion Assistant - John Pfeiffer
Ushers - Group A (Ray Larson, David Downhour, Ray Ozmun,
                                   Larry Pralle)
Acolyte - Elijah Wagner
Greeters - Larry and Joan Pralle
Worship Camera - Jonah Koch
Vacuuming - Feb. 23 to March 1 - Jim and Kay Koch
Snow Removal -  Feb. 23 to March 1 - David Nybakke

 Scripture Readings

February 2, 2025 - The Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Genesis 45:3-15
1 Corinthians 15:21-26, 30-42
Luke 6:27-38





Thursday - February 6
Sunday - February 9


 Trinity Office Hours - Monday through Thursday
                                          8:00 am - 2:00 pm
                                    Friday (Pastor Boehme)
                                       9:00 am - 12:00 pm