Weekly News


Sunday, October 13
8:30 - 8:45 am Confession
9:00 am Worship
10:00 am Fellowship
10:30 am Bible Class/Sun School

Monday, October 14
5:30 - 6:30 pm Confession
6:30 pm Bible Class

Tuesday, October 15
Newsletter Articles Due!

Wednesday, October 16
6:00 pm Meal
6:30 pm Bible Study/Ringers
7:00 pm Choir
No Confirmation for MEA break

Thursday, October 17
5:00 - 5:30 pm Confession
6:00 pm Worship

Friday, October 18
9:00 am to noon Pastor Boehme Office Hours

Sunday, October 20
8:30 - 8:45 am Confession
9:00 am Worship
10:00 am Fellowship
10:30 am Bible Class/Sun School

Trinity will have another prayer vigil on November 2nd, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.  This is an opportunity for you to join with your brothers and sisters in Christ in lifting up our needs and thanksgivings to the throne of grace.  Please consider signing up for one of the six one-hour time slots.  Plenty of resources will be available for you to use.  If you wish, you can have one or more people sign up with you for one of the time periods.  Pastor Klein will have the final time slot.  If you have never participated in one of these vigils, feel free to join him.  As part of the vigil, we will, as we did for the vigil we held last May, have a prayer box available. You may write down any prayer requests you have, either for yourself or someone else. These notes will be available to those who will be a part of the vigil. The sign-up sheet for the vigil is in the hallway. If you have any questions, please ask Pastor Klein.

November 3rd is All Saint’s Sunday, when we give thanks to God for all those who have died confessing Jesus as their Savior.  As part of the service, we will read the names of those MEMBERS of Trinity who fell asleep in Jesus since November 5, 2023.  If you have a friend or loved one who died in Christian Faith that you would also like included on this Sunday, please contact the church office by October 30.

Due to many unavoidable circumstances, the decision has been made to cancel both the 5K run and 1K walk, as well as all Reformation Run events for this year.  The event was scheduled for October 27 at 3:30 pm here at Trinity.  

Please mark your calendars for the annual LWML Bake Sale, which will be held after worship service on Sunday, November 3.  The proceeds of this bake sale will be added to the Mite Box money and put towards the LWML Mission Grants.  Thank you for your support!



 People Serving at Trinity                  

This Week - October 13, 2024
Pastor - Rev. Dr. Brent Klein
Communion Assistant - John Greenfield
Ushers - Group D (John Greenfield, Josh Wagner,
                             Jesse Hinz, Kevin Mortensen, Sheldon Volkert)
Greeters - Jim and Kay Koch
Worship Camera - Brent Casmey
Vacuuming - October 13 to 19 - Jim & Kay Koch
Lawn Mowing - October 13 to 19 - Dave Nybakke
  October Altar Guild - Becky Grieser, Mary Ozmun,
                                   Colleen Vivant
  October Counting Team - David Downhour
                                       Emelda Rasmussen         

Next Week - October 20, 2024
Pastor - Rev. Dr. Brent Klein
Communion Assistant - Barbara Greenfield
Ushers - Group E (David, Erin, & Jared Nybakke, Martin Ohmann
                                    Jonathan Ohmann, David Ohmann)
Greeters - The Ohmann Family - David, Jackie, Grace
Worship Camera - Becca and Jonah Koch
Vacuuming - October 20 to 26 - John Greenfield
Lawn Mowing - October 20 to 26 - Rob Gottsch



 Scripture Readings

 October 20 - The Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost
                               Ecclesiastes 5:10-20
                                  Hebrews 4:1-16
                                   Mark 10:23-31


Thursday - October 3                Sunday - October 6
         4                                                        84


 Trinity Office Hours - Monday through Thursday
                                          8:00 am - 2:00 pm
                                    Friday (Pastor Boehme)
                                       9:00 am - 12:00 pm