Monthly Newsletter

JUNE/JULY Monthly Newsletter

Go First! - For Christ! In Our Church & the World
Close to 300 LCMS members participated in a conference, learning about Best Practices to use in proclaiming Christ at home and everywhere. Participants from Trinity were Pastor Klein, Pastor Boehme, Kurt Anderson, Megan Baumler (St. Olaf Student who attends Trinity), Judy Boehme, Jim Koch and Josh Wagner. All attended various excellent presentations.
A brief summary of 4 presentations I attended:
    1. “Connecting Your Church to Your Community” offered different ideas about becoming more well-known in your community. Trinity Youth has shared “goodie bags” with Northfield’s first responders, an idea mentioned. The purpose is to share the love of Christ with others.
    2. “Trunk or Treat & Car Shows” (events we have done here). New ideas for doing both were suggested and we’ll see about implementing some of these ideas in the future.
    3. “Church Partnerships for Kingdom Growth”—very relevant to many church situations presently where help is needed in other congregations to further the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. The 5 presenters from 4 different churches presented ideas as how to partner with others to strengthen the ministries. 1) presentation was made on congregational merger, which became a blessing to both churches and made both stronger; 2) a larger congregation offered partnering help to smaller churches to help them continue their ministry in their communities; 3) another successful presentation talked about partnerships (not involving merger) that helped everyone succeed in Gospel outreach.
4. “My Own Home: Critical Decisions Late in Life” featured a video series on decisions that need to be made as members of the family age: driving, living alone, living will, final arrangements, medical issues—all need to be discussed. The video series (which has a cost) could be presented here, if there is interest.
Other presentations included living joyfully—and joy was evident in devotional presentations, music and singing. A very joyful part of the proceedings was when our DCE, Lisa Martinson was awarded the “Outstanding Minnesota Parish Professional Award.“ Very-much deserved!
It was a time of feeling strengthened in the faith—learning and rejoicing in the message of Jesus Christ and his forgiveness for our sins. It was very motivating as a reminder of what a blessing it is to serve Christ here at Trinity in Northfield—and the world.
Thanks be to God!
Pastor Boehme


  A Day To Be Remembered!

 What has been the most IMPORTANT event in your life---a day to be remembered and treasured???  Most of us don’t even remember this day; the day we became a member of God’s Kingdom, THE DAY OF OUR BAPTISM!!

In an effort to help Trinity members reflect and “remember,”  Trinity is honoring the baptismal birthdays of our members.  On the last Sunday of each month, members, young and old, who were baptized during that month can sit together, enjoy a treat and, perhaps, share stories during the fellowship hour.

We do have the dates of baptism for most of our members; but, if we missed yours, please let us know so we don’t miss it again. Any questions and/or dates, please contact the church office:  645-4438.

Arise and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.  Acts 2:16

Baptism doth also now save us.  I Peter 3:21


June Baptisms Anniversaries
Holly Ciffra        Cameron Kuckaka        Jeff Martinson
Erin Nybakke        Allyson Ohmann        Grace Ohmann
Alyssa Swanson        Elaine Zobel
July Baptisms Anniversaries
Armand Boehme    Dana Criswell            Elijah Wagner
Isaiah Wagner        






April Home Fund Budget Status Report
Home Fund Balance on April 1, 2024            $22,302.82
April Home Fund Contributions                    $23,821.74
Designated Giving*        $22,157.10
Loose Plate Giving**        $658.64
Rental Property Fund        $1,006.00
April Home Fund Expenses                        $21,933.75
Home Fund Balance on April 30, 2024                       $24,190.81
* Includes giving by people who use offering envelopes and e-giving
**Includes giving by people without offering envelopes
Trinity Fund Report
In April of 2024, Trinity spent $1,975.06 for technology improvements, using Trinity Fund money given in memory of Lois Kodada.




Trinity Lutheran Church
May 2, 2024
Call to Order 8:11pm
John Greenfield, Pastor Klein, DCE Lisa Martinson, Bobbi Schmidtke, Tony Schmidtke

Opening Prayer

Review of Minutes –  
One Correction:  Stewardship – Should say David Ohmann Approved as amended.

Financial Statement  
Designated is around 31% (right on track)
Spending is around 32% (right on track)
Missions and Capitol Fund is what is projected
No urgent concerns on finances
Technology funds taken from Memorial Money from Lois Kodada
Pew Bibles funds taken from Memorial Money from Molly Skaar
Combine Bryce and Molly Skaar Memorial funds into Skaar Memorial
Pew Bibles purchased with Skaar Memorial funds will be given “In Memory of Bryce & Molly Skaar” plate
Consider using VBS funds from Bev Gorr to use on Playground
Gloria Dohrmann funds could be used for playground and music.
Library Committee will have some requests to use Memorial Funds
Any non-restricted Memorial Fund expenditures are decided by council.

Old Business  
Meeting space for Home School people will not be needed.

Other – no other Old Business

New Business
Locks on upstairs doors:  If Home School group is not meeting, we probably won’t need locks at this time. For now, we’ll simply close the doors and talk with the children about what rooms they can play in.
Thrivent Requests:  $350 for Softball Team;  Up to $200 for White Board in Library.

DCE meetings: Elders and Board of Education should meet together to discuss where to go from to replace DCE.  Terri Casmey and John Greenfield have also volunteered to be a part of that discussion.

Other Reports  
â–ª Pastor Klein Submitted written report. He will take a week of vacation end of July.  Pastor Boehme’s ordination anniversary plans are moving forward.  Pastor’s Conference at Madden’s is in May and then will travel to Yale.

Lisa – Submitted a written report and added THANK YOU for the honor of receiving the Minnesota South District Parish Professional of the Year Award.

Stewardship – nothing to report

Elders – 1)  Go First Conference debriefing to see what participants can bring back to Trinity; 2) Prayer Vigil May 11 – prayer request are being taken; 3) Looking at DCE replacement options.

Education – VBS

Tech committee – Most of the way through hardware upgrades and gathering all digital documents and making sure that we have them secured.  New camera is here to put in chapel for future live video from there.

Fellowship – Soup Lunch and Bingo 25 people had good time, will be a repeatable event.  May – Mother’s Day - Hand Decorated Cookies to hand out on Thursday as well as Sunday.

Trustees – Street Project has started. No option to continue in to our parking lot.  Drainage will go under sidewalk.  Renters want to build a shed.  They will pay for it and install, we will pay for building permit.  Bathroom fan – looking for a replacement and will be installing it.  Stained Glass window inspection will be done in consultation with Pastor Boehme.

Missions – Nothing to report

Luther’s Evening Prayer
I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that You would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me.  Amen.



 More Than a Negative
Even if you’ve never had to testify in court, a thousand TV shows have made you familiar with the question, “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?” Why not just make people swear to tell the truth? Or make them promise not to lie?
Any parent who has ever had to interrogate a child about a broken cookie jar or a scuffle over a toy knows the answer. There are plenty of ways to try to get out of trouble without technically lying. You tell just enough of the truth to skate on by.
We often play the game of seeing how close we can get to sinning without technically going over the line.
But in our heart of hearts, we know that this is not what God intended when He gave us the commandments. He’s not giving us a merely negative rule and challenging us to just barely stay away from this or that. There is much more to each commandment than a prohibition. We shouldn’t just avoid murdering people — we should be of service to our neighbor.
For each negative prohibition in the commandments there is a positive good that we are to cherish and protect. In the Eighth Commandment, that gift is the reputation of our neighbor and our relationship with him:
You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not tell lies about our neighbor, betray him, slander him, or hurt his reputation, but defend him, speak well of him, and explain everything in the kindest way.
Your relationship with your family members (who are your nearest neighbors), the other members of your congregation, your coworkers and your friends is one of the most precious gifts you have been given. You need to exercise good stewardship with this gift just as much as you need to exercise good stewardship with your life, resources, time and income. This is an especially fragile gift because it’s easy to ruin a relationship with slander and talking behind someone’s back.
But speaking well of your neighbor in Christian love is absolutely free; it costs you nothing, yet it pays you great dividends. If you find this challenging at times, if you are tempted to speak ill of others, just remember that this other person is also a beloved child of God for whom your Lord Jesus suffered and died. Your Lord Jesus loves you both.






To celebrate Father’s Day, the Fellowship Committee will have treat bags of various kinds of snacks available in the narthex.  All men who are at church on Thursday, June 13th, and on Sunday, June 16th, are welcome to take a treat bag, to enjoy as a gift or to honor their fathers.  Happy Father’s Day!

June 2, 2024—Congregational Car Cruise (any vehicle welcome). Due to construction around church, participants should gather at the Old Memorial Swimming Pool Parking lot: 801 E. Seventh Street at 1:15. The cruise will begin at 1:30 sharp. It will last about an hour. We will be stopping at Vintage Escapes Winery (outside Shieldsville) for refreshments. They serve a wide range of food and non-alcoholic drinks, besides wine. Please note that their driveway and parking lot are gravel, so we will drive slowly into their lot. Please use the sign-up sheet so we can let them know the approximate number who will be attending. You may also cruise and not stop to eat if you so desire. Hope to see you next Sunday!!! See Pastor Boehme if questions.

JUNE 2, 2024
To check out a book – Enter your name, Title of Book, and date checked-out into notebook.  Upon return, add date returned into notebook.  Place returning book into return book bin.

Summer hours for library:  Library is always open during office hours at church.  The library will be staffed from 4-6 pm. on Wednesday nights. The library will also be staffed after service on Sunday until fellowship is completed.  Summer hours will begin on Wednesday, June 5th.

Starting Tuesday, June 18th is Story Time.  It will be approximately 1 hour starting at 10am.  We will have an activity along with a book.  Invite friends as we explore the world of books!

The Book Club will be reading the following books and meeting to discuss each book on the First Monday of each month.  Everyone is welcome.  We begin at 10a.m.
The Berry Pickers - Amanda Peters – June 3, 2024
First Ladies – Marie Benedict – July 1, 2024
The Nurses Secret – Amanda Skenadore – August 2024
The Beach Trap – Ali Brady – Sept. 2024
Wish You Were Here – Jodi Picoult – Oct. 2024

will be held in the morning on Saturday, August 10 at the Rice County Fairgrounds.  This is a major fundraiser for them and all you need to do is register online and run (or walk).  If you would like training information for either the 5k or the 10k and don’t know where to turn, contact me.  Healthy 10k training will take roughly 8-10 weeks.  5k training will take roughly 8-10 weeks. I’m not a trainer or a professional, but I do have some great recommendations to help get from the start line to the finish line without cheating.

We are looking for new or gently used, clean shoes to donate to the “Orphan Grain Train”.  Shoes can be adult and/or children’s sizes.  Also new or gently used, clean socks for adults and/or children will be accepted.  Quilts, comforters, or blankets of any size are also needed.  We will also accept any cash donations to pay for the shipping of these items.  Kay Koch and Becky DeMann will be attending the MN South Convention where they will deliver the donations from Trinity.  Please also add this LWML mission to your prayer list.  We will stop taking donations on June 18, 2024.  Thank you everyone for all your donations and prayers for the LWML.

The schedule has been set for the 17th Season of the 2024 Noontime Organ Recitals.  Join us for organ recitals from area organists at various locations around the area on Wednesdays from 12:15 - 12:45 pm.  The start date for the recitals is July 3.  Some recitals will include a free-will offering to defray publicity expenses.  For more information, contact Richard Collman at 507-645-1357 or email
July 3 - James Bobb, Boe Chapel, St. Olaf College - 1523 Campus Dr.
                                A Patriotic Program
July 10 - Jay Zoller, St. John’s Lutheran Church - 500 3rd ST. W
July 17 - Richard Collman, Skinner Chapel,
                    Carleton College - 405 1st ST. E
July 24 - John Schultz, Bethel Lutheran - 1321 North Ave.
July 31 - Joanne Rodland, Northfield United Methodist Church -
                     1401 S. Maple ST.
August 7 - Noah Klein, Valley Grove Lutheran -
                      9999 155th ST. E, Nerstrand
August 14 - Stephen May, First United Church of Christ - 300 Union ST.

Library Wish List
2 Bean Bag Chairs for the Children’s Corner - $40 Each
Keurig Coffee Machine - $70
Children’s Rug for the Children’s Corner - $48
Coffee Table with Nesting Stools - $450
(money for these 2 items has already been donated)
 The library committee is busy getting the church library ready for you to come and enjoy the improved space.  We are asking for your continued support with monetary donations towards our “Library Wish List”. Our goal is to create a shared space where congregation members can come and stay a while: browse the book collection, work on a puzzle together, and check out a themed kit bag to explore at home.  There will be a Library Open House on Sunday, June 2nd  after church. Please come to see what we’ve been working on!

 Get Ready for VBS 2024!
It’s that time of year again! Please put out your VBS yard signs and check the bulletin board for info on how to donate towards our VBS program. We are hoping to have over 50 children join us again this year! Thank you for your continued support!
Audry Hovland, Sherry Schwaab & Lisa Martinson






Challenge for Youth: Changing things up this year – Alphabet verses to memorize.
May 26-June 1: (U) Under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield (Psalm 91:4).
June 2-June 8: (V) Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life (John 6:47).
June 9-June 15: (W) We are more than conquerors through him who loved us (Romans 8:37).
June 16-June 22: (X) May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 6:14).
June 23-June29: (Y) You are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).
June 30-July 6: (Z) Zion hears and rejoices (Psalm 97:8).   
July 7-July 13: (A) All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.
July 14-July 20: (B) Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved. Acts 16:31.
July21-July 27: (C) Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7.
July 28-August 3: (D) Do to others what you would have them do to you. Matthew 7:12.

It is official – Jeff will be retiring at the end of the summer.  We will be moving back to Wisconsin to not only take care of his mother, but also to continue serving the Lord in whatever ways He has in store for us.  At this point in time, the ministry will continue as planned through August.  The Board of Education, the Board of Elders, and a smattering of other volunteers have already started to work together and plan toward the future.  Your prayers for this transition and for the person God is preparing for this position will be greatly appreciated.

Summer Sunday School for all youth and children.  I have a list of short Christian films that run between 30-40 minutes.  We will have time to watch and talk about them each week.  We will not have class on Sundays, May 26, June 9, July 7, July 28, and August 18.  We will meet upstairs in the “couch” room.  Bring a Bible, a Beverage, and a Snack.

Rochester Servant Event (RSE):  RSE will be from Sunday, June 9-Thursday, June 13.  After the “official” event is completed with worship on Wednesday evening, we will enjoy time with Ardelle and return home on Thursday morning.  I sent out a doodle poll to figure out the best date to get together and make sure all 8 of us are on the same page when it comes to trip details.

Mission Teams Serving for Fellowship Hour: Our youth and adult Mission Trip participants are asked to come and help serve for Fellowship Hour on Sunday, June 9.  Funds raised from this will help offset your out-of-pocket expenses for the Mission Trip (Rochester, Costa Rica, and/or Idaho).  Please bring a dozen (or equivalent) treats to serve.

Prayers for our Rochester Servant Event Team - Lisa Martinson, Erin Nybakke, Grace & Jackie Ohmann, Timothy, Abby, Hannah, and Bonnie Pape will leave on June 9.  Your prayers for God to work in the lives of the participants, the planners, and in those we serve are appreciated.

 Picnic at the Ball Park –The Fellowship Committee is looking to plan another Picnic at the ballpark on August 4.  The church softball team is playing a 6pm game at Babcock field that night.  Food will be served beginning at 6:15 pm.

Prayers for our Costa Rica Mission Team – Jonah Koch, Marvin/Julianna/Eowyn Camareno, and Dave/Bonnie/Hannah/Abby/Timothy Pape will be leaving the end of June to serve the Lord in Costa Rica.  We ask for your prayers for safe travels, joy filled service, and an increase in Christian faith in the participants and those they serve.

Vacation Bible School 2024 – Camp Firelight – July 15-18, 2024.  Go on an exciting journey where you will learn to trust God no matter what situation life brings.  Know that God is with you and learn to feel confident in sharing the Good News of God’s Love through Jesus Christ.  Youth and adults are needed -- sign up today at

Prayers for our Idaho Servant Adventures Mission Team – Jeff/Lisa Martinson, Erin Nybakke, Tony/Bobbi Schmidtke, and Elijah Wagner will be on their Idaho mission trip from July 26 -August 3.  We would love it if you added to your prayers God’s blessings for safe travels, awesome adventures, and hearts opened to the love of Jesus Christ.

Pregnancy Options (Faribault) 5k/10k “Run Baby Run” Fundraiser Event will be held in the morning on Saturday, August 10 at the Rice County Fairgrounds.  If you would like training information for either the 5k or the 10k and don’t know where to turn, contact me.  Healthy 10k training will take roughly 8-10 weeks.  5k training will take roughly 8-10 weeks. I’m not a trainer or a professional, but I do have some great recommendations to help get from the start line to the finish line without cheating.

Youth Cabin Retreat –August 12-14 (Monday – Wednesday) We will meet at church at 8:30am on Monday and head north.  We will return on Wednesday at about 4pm Cost is $25 per person and includes meals from Monday lunch through Wednesday lunch.  Registration deadline is Monday, August 5 please.  I need to have enough time to make sleeping arrangements, enlist drivers/chaperones and buy food.  Adults – you are welcome to join us, please let me know if you can drive and how many total people you can take in your vehicle.  To help with timely registrations, a signup sheet is on the youth bulletin board or you can simply email me and let me know.  Payment is due the day we leave.

Mission Trips Presentation – will take place on Sunday, August 18 during the Bible Study Hour.  Youth and Adults representing all 3 of our summer mission trips will share their stories through word and pictures.  Join us and hear what they experienced as they served the Lord.

Youth Ministry Calendar Listing *Subject to some changes
June 9: Mission Teams Commissioning during Worship
June 9: Mission Teams Serving Fellowship Hour Treats/Coffee
June 9: Idaho Mission Team Meeting (after Fellowship Hour until 11:30)
June 9: 1:00-3:30pm – Costa Rica Team Meeting
June 9-13 – Rochester Servant Event
June 24-July 14 – Costa Rica Mission Trip
July 5-7 – Lisa and Jeff Vacation
July 10: 5:30-7:00pm – VBS Setup
July 15-18 – Vacation Bible School
July 26-August 3 – Idaho Servant Adventures Trip
August 4: 5:30-7:00pm – National Night Prep Work (pending road work completion)
August 6 – National Night Out Carnival (pending road work completion)
August 10: 8:00-10:00am – Pregnancy Options (Faribault) 5k/10k Fundraiser Run
August 12-14: Youth Cabin Retreat
August 18: 10:30-11:30am – Servant Events Presentation (Rochester, Costa Rica, and Idaho Participants)



June 2                                                  July 7
Deuteronomy 5:12-15                         Ezekiel 2:1-5
2 Corinthians 4:5-12                           2 Corinthians 12:1-10
Mark 2:23-3:6                                      Mark 6:1-13

June 9                                                  July 14
Genesis 3:8-15                                     Amos 7:7-15
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1                       Ephesians 1:3-14
Mark 3:20-35                                     Mark 6:14-29

June 16                                               July 21
Ezekiel 17:22-24                                Jeremiah 23:1-6
2 Corinthians 5:1-17                         Ephesians 2:11-22
Mark 4:26-34                                    Mark 6:30-44

June 23                                              July 28
Job 38:1-11                                      Genesis 9:8-17
2 Corinthians 6:1-13                        Ephesians 3:14-21
Mark 4:35-41                                    Mark 6:45-56

June 30
Lamentations 3:22-33
2 Corinthians 8:1-9; 13-15
Mark 5:21-43


May 26 to June 1 - John Pfeiffer
June 2 to 8 - Jim & Kay Koch
June 9 to 15 - John Greenfield
June 16 to 22 - Tony & Bobbi Schmidtke
June 23 to 29 - Brent Casmey


         June 2 - Amy Klein                   July 7 - Erin & Jared Nybakke
         June 9 - Brent Casmey             July 14 - Brent Casmey
         June 16 - Becky DeMann         July 21 - Josh Wagner
         June 23 - Olivia Voigt               July 28 - Amy Klein
         June 30 - Lisa Martinson              


June 2 - Larry and Joan Pralle
June 9 - The Wagners
June 16 - Jim and Kay Koch
June 23 - David, Jackie, and Grace Ohmann
June 30 - Kurt Anderson
July 7 - John Pfeiffer/Kurt Anderson
July 14 - Craig and Kathy Schuster


June and July 2024
     June 2 - Pastor Boehme                        July 7 - John Greenfield
    June 9 - Craig Schuster                          July 14 - Lisa Martinson
    June 16 - Tony Schmidtke                     July 21 - Deb Thomforde
    June 23 - Barbara Greenfield                  July 28 - Kurt Anderson
    June 30 - Craig Schuster



              June 2 - Group A                     July 7 - Group F
             June 9 - Group B                     July 14 - Group G
             June 16 - Group C                   July 21 - Group H
             June 23 - Group D                  July 28 - Group A
             June 30 - Group E                                                                 

Group A - Ray Larson, Dave Downhour, Ray Ozmun, Larry Pralle
Group B - Tom Pumper, Jeff and Holly Ciffra, Jackie Ohmann
Group C - Kurt Anderson, Brent Casmey, Russell Kraft, Jim Koch
Group D - John Greenfield, Josh Wagner, Jesse Hinz, Kevin Mortensen, Sheldon Volkert
Group E - David, Erin, and Jared Nybakke, Jonathan Ohmann, Martin Ohmann, David Ohmann
Group F - Tony and Bobbi Schmidtke, Grant Hovland, John Pfeiffer
Group G - Craig and Kathy Schuster, Jim Grieser, Jeff Martinson
Group H - Dan Wett, Rudy, Myleen, and Ashlie Maurer, Rob Gottsch, Jim Frederick

June 2 - 6:00 pm - Trinity vs. Cornerstone  (Sechlar 2)
June 9 - 9:15 pm - Trinity vs. St. Dominic White  (Babcock)
June 16 - 7:05 pm - Trinity vs. Methodist  (Sechlar 1)
June 23 - 6:00 pm - Trinity vs. St. John’s  (Babcock)
June 30 - 8:10 pm - Trinity vs. Canvas  (Babcock)
July 7 - NO GAMES
July 14 - 9:15 pm - St. Dom Johnnys vs Trinity  (Babcock)
July 21 - 7:05 pm - St. Dom White vs. Trinity  (Sechlar 2)
July 28 - 8:10 pm - Hosanna vs. Trinity  (Sechlar 2)
August 4 - 6:00 pm - Life 21 vs. Trinity  (Babcock)
August 11 - 7:05 pm - Emmaus vs. Trinity  (Babcock)


PLEASE NOTE:  If these times do not work for you, please remember that it is your responsibility to find a replacement or someone to switch with.   (Special services are in bold, italics.)
WORSHIP ASSISTANT                        USHERS                 CAMERAS                                                                                                                                                                June 2 - Pastor Boehme                      Group A              Amy Klein
June 9 - Craig Schuster                       Group B              Brent Casmey
June 16 - Tony Schmidtke                    Group C              Becky DeMann
June 23 - Barbara Greenfield               Group D             Olivia Voigt
June 30 - Craig Schuster                     Group E              Lisa Martinson
June 2 - Larry and Joan Pralle
June 9 - The Wagner’s - Josh, Ruthie, Elijah, Josiah, Isaiah, Lizzie
June 16 - Jim and Kay Koch
June 23 - David, Jackie, Grace Ohmann
June 30 - Kurt Anderson
VACUUMING                   AND                    MOWING
John Pfeiffer                    May 26 to June 1           Larry Pralle
Jim and Kay Koch              June 2 to 8                 Josh Wagner
John Greenfield                  June 9 to 15               David Nybakke
Tony & Bobbi Schmidtke   June 16 to 22          Rob Gottsch
Brent Casmey                       June 23 to 29          Buzz Cummins
ALTAR GUILD - Barb Greenfield, Marcia Huber, Colleen Vivant
COUNTING TEAM-Ray & Darlene Larson, Cliff & Susan Roberts


PLEASE NOTE:  If these times do not work for you, please remember that it is your responsibility to find a replacement or someone to switch with.   (Special services are in bold, italics.)
WORSHIP ASSISTANTS                    USHERS                   CAMERAS                                                                                                                                                                          
July 7 - John Greenfield                   Group F              Erin and Jared Nybakke
July 14 - Lisa Martinson                Group G                Brent Casmey
July 21 - Deb Thomforde                  Group H                Josh Wagner
July 28 - Kurt Anderson                   Group A                 Amy Klein
July 7 - John Pfeiffer/Kurt Anderson
July 14 - Craig & Kathy Schuster
VACUUMING                        AND                          MOWING
  (List still being             June 30 to  July 6        Tony Schmidtke
      made)                         July 7 to 13              Brent Casmey
                                       July 14 to 20              Dan Wett
                                       July 21 to 27              Russell Kraft
                                  July 28 to August 3         Larry Pralle
ALTAR GUILD - June Rado, Mary Vogt, Darlene Larson
COUNTING TEAM - Larry & Joan Pralle, Jean & Paul Childers