Monthly Newsletter

SEPTEMBER Monthly Newsletter

Forgetting His Word

I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word. (Psalm 119:16)

Education experts disagree about the issue of how much students forget over summer vacation.  I have read one study that claims students lose up to a month of learning over the summer.  Therefore, it is necessary to spend the first week (or more) reviewing math, reading, and so on.  Other “experts” say that students experience little to no learning loss. 

Which is true?  I do not know.  What I experienced during my elementary and high school years were teachers who spent time reviewing lessons from the previous grade and others who did not.  The biggest challenge I faced at the beginning of the year was getting into a daily school routine after a leisurely summer routine.

I am, however, convinced of this: we easily forget God’s Word.  Moses told the Israelites “You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” (Deut. 6:7).  When Israel made God’s Word their priority, they were blessed.  When they did not, they had problems.

Hopefully, you have continued in the Word over the summer.  If not, now is an excellent time to return.  The chief reason is to keep reading and hearing about the love of God for us for the sake of Jesus.  We cannot save ourselves from our sins.  Jesus can and did.  By His death and resurrection, we have been made right with God and are declared worthy of eternal life.

In Christ,

Pastor Klein


  A Day To Be Remembered!

 What has been the most IMPORTANT event in your life---a day to be remembered and treasured???  Most of us don’t even remember this day; the day we became a member of God’s Kingdom, THE DAY OF OUR BAPTISM!!

In an effort to help Trinity members reflect and “remember,”  Trinity is honoring the baptismal birthdays of our members.  On the last Sunday of each month, members, young and old, who were baptized during that month can sit together, enjoy a treat and, perhaps, share stories during the fellowship hour.

We do have the dates of baptism for most of our members; but, if we missed yours, please let us know so we don’t miss it again. Any questions and/or dates, please contact the church office:  645-4438.

Arise and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.  Acts 2:16

Baptism doth also now save us.  I Peter 3:21


September Baptisms Anniversaries

Kurt Anderson          Mindy Aurich                 David Downhour

Jim Grieser               Dorothy Hovland          Roscoe Hovland

Noah Klein                Jim Koch                         Ashlie Maurer

Mary Ozmun             June Rado                       Maren Schwaab

Olivia Voigt               Ruthie Wagner              Norm Webber

Jerry West



July Home Fund Budget Status Report

Home Fund Balance on July 1, 2024              $21,205.41

July Home Fund Contributions                         $24,537.10

Designated Giving*                $22,694.00

Loose Plate Giving**              $643.10

Rental Property Fund            $1,200.00

July Home Fund Expenses                                 $20,440.81


Home Fund Balance on July 31, 2024            $25,301.70


* Includes giving by people who use offering envelopes and e-giving

**Includes giving by people without offering envelopes


Trinity Fund Report

In July of 2024, Trinity spent $296.27 for playground improvements and repairs, using Trinity Fund money that was given in memory of Bev Gorr for preschool activities.  The playground was originally purchased and installed for the children who attended the preschool at Trinity, and is currently used by children from Trinity, the surround neighborhood, and Trinity’s VBS.






Call meeting to order - 8:23pm


Mr. John Greenfield (President/Tech) Barb Anderson (Treasurer/Fellowship)

Rev. Dr. Brent Klein (Sr. Pastor)         Karen Wagner (Education)

Rev. Dr. Armand Boehme (Assoc. Pastor) Brent Casmey (Trustees/Tech)

Jim Koch (Elder)                                 Jackie Ohmann (Stewardship)

Joshua Wagner (Elder/Tech)              David Ohmann (Stewardship)

Mrs. Lisa Martinson (DCE)                  Kay Koch (Missions)

Opening Prayer - Pastor Klein

Review of Minutes

Finance - Barb Anderson

- Financial Statements update: Income and expenses are nearly on track. There is one more offering for the period before funds are sent to the District.

- Counters have moved to the office.

- Barb and Kurt will be traveling over the next 3 weekends but they should  be around during the week. Preparation has been made for David to carry out duties as necessary.

- There was an in/out donation for the Sudanese Ministry.

Old Business

Vote on the use of memorial money for youth happened by email. Approved use of $1400 from fund from Bev Gorr’s family for youth outreach. Barb transferred this money to the youth fund.

New Business

Call process/Dr. Phil Johnson – The elders and some members of the Board of Education met with Dr. Phil Johnson from the District office last night. He gave a presentation about the call process and the use of a Synod website called LISN that can be used to review information about the thousands of candidates that are currently rostered and able to be called. Input is welcome regarding this process. Next steps involve discussion with the congregation.

July voters’ meeting – Scheduled for Sunday, July 28 to provide a forum for congregational discussion about the call process. Board reports will not be necessary but the Congregational President will check in with key people to fulfill the requirements of the constitution.

Thrivent Requests – Barb has designed door hangars to be used to inform the community that we will not be able to host a National Night Out event due to road construction. Cost is estimated to be $130 for 250 door hangars.

Motion by Barb Johnson: Approve the printing expense as indicated. Seconded. Motion passed.


Pastor Klein

- Lifeline is scheduled for July 9. Pastor Klein and John Greenfield will manage the unlocking and locking of the building. Jackie to coordinate room preparation on Sunday, July 7th after the fellowship hour.

Pastor Boehme

- Der Lutheraner (7:30 a.m. on 2nd & 4th Saturdays) – Studying Eusebius’ early church history

Lisa Martinson

- As of last night 9:30pm, Shepherd of the Valley, St. Croix Falls issued a full-time DCE call to Lisa

- Lisa will not be present, Sunday July 2

A deal was found on sod. It was purchased and delivered and will be installed on Saturday.

- Discussion of where the money should come from for the sod and Gaga ball enclosure.

· Lisa: Motion to disburse up to $500 from the Bev Gorr fund. 2nd, Jackie. Motion passed.


- No new report or updates. No disbursement of funds.


- Budgeting to happen in August


- We have been discussing the options for youth ministry. We were not able to discuss the Prayer Vigil or feedback from the Go First Ministry conference yet.

Tech Committee

- It has been difficult to figure out the sound distortion in the online stream during the playing of the organ. Next steps involve setting up the new camera.

Fellowship Committee

- Father’s Day – treat bags were well received

- Softball picnic – Sunday, August 4th, starting at 6pm


- No word from the city in terms of the timeline for the street work.

- New bath fan in parsonage. The family there is extremely happy to be in the rental house and are very appreciative.

Meeting adjournment

- Motion to adjourn by Pastor Boehme at 8:54 p.m





Call meeting to order


Mr. John Greenfield (President/Tech)      Barb Anderson (Treasurer/Fellowship)

Rev. Dr. Brent Klein (Sr. Pastor)              Jackie Ohmann (Stewardship)

Rev. Dr. Armand Boehme (Assoc. Pastor) David Ohmann (Stewardship)

Jim Koch (Elder)                                         Bobbi Schmidtke (Missions)

Joshua Wagner (Elder/Tech)                     Tony Schmidtke (Trustees)

Mrs. Lisa Martinson (DCE)

Opening Prayer - Pastor Klein

Old Business

- None

- No minutes from previous meeting.

Finance - Barb Anderson

- We are about 58% done with the year. Contributions are coming as anticipated and expenses are at 55% so that is good. The home fund went up about $4k from June. Motion to accept was moved and seconded.

New Business

New member needed for the Board of Education – The Hovlands are changing churches. The Board of Education member needs to be 18 years old. Please consider who might be available to fill this role.


Pastor Klein

- Pastor Klein to go back to preaching at Trinity (Faribault) on Saturday

   evenings, due to sudden health issues of their interim pastor.

Pastor Boehme

- Car cruise on Sunday went well.

- Participating in a Table Tennis tournament on 8/15 in St. Cloud

- To continue preaching the first Sundays of the month at Kilkenny during non-winter months

- Speaker at MN South District Theological Convocations on Sept 20 and Oct 25

Lisa Martinson

- Youth mission trips were wonderful.

- August 18th presentation on Sunday morning during the Sunday School hour

- Run, Baby, Run fundraiser at Faribault Fairgrounds

- Wed, 8/21 Gaga Ball pit construction


- The Sundays this year will be 9/15, 9/22, 9/29 with the 29th as Consecration Sunday with a meal from Fireside.

- Budget templates sent out; please prepare them for the October meeting so that Barb can put things together for the November congregational meeting


- Discussed Sunday School teaching needs. Discussed considerations for hiring a youth-focused non-called worker.

Also discussed this Sunday’s celebration logistics.

Tech Committee

- We are planning to repurpose the replaced laptops (one for security cameras and one for the chapel livestream)

- Working on a flashing issue with the livestream, particularly the middle camera; Josh to order a new cable

- Changing the battery backup in the equipment room

Fellowship Committee

- Softball picnic, great attendance

- Will be helping the Board of Elders with Sunday’s event

- Welcome Back Sunday – 9/15 – after church we’ll have some food out


- Toilet in Womens’ bathroom replaced ($1100, paid out of Capital)

- The urinal in the Mens’ bathroom doesn’t turn off but we have been advised to not replace it until after the city is done with their construction.

- Tony to purchase a weed whipper for ~$150


- Ruth’s House of Hope is having 20th anniversary event, as published in the weekly

- Pastor Gatluk Reit preached here; Pastor Boehme and Bobbi to coordinate a date for another visit and a fuller presentation.

Meeting adjournment

Motion to adjourn by Pastor Boehme at 8:54 pm.

Next month’s meeting at Sept. 5, 2024




From the Stewardship Committee:

THE ISSUE: Defining Stewardship “Stewardship is a beautiful word with a bad reputation. It has become a catchall for a lot of rubbish. Used for every imaginable type of money-raising scheme, it is a tired, tarnished word that has lost its luster,” wrote Carl W. Berner Sr., in The Power of Pure Stewardship.

How is stewardship defined?

“In the New Testament, ‘stewardship’ [oikonomia] is never used to designate the action of giving, much less the giving of money. Oikonomia relates primarily to the office of administration or management or to the implementation of a plan…One of the scriptural terms which describes the divinely appointed relationship of man to God is that of stewardship. We are stewards of God. Unfortunately the term has in the usage of the church lost its broad and all-inclusive meaning and has been applied quite persistently to man’s responsibility as to his temporal possessions. Most people think of Christian stewardship in terms of money rather than in terms of life. Stewardship teaching in our circles has been primarily financial…true stewardship comprehends the responsibility of a Christian in all the many relationships of life. It takes into account every phase of human living…all of life, and all its interests and ramifications, belongs to God and is without qualification to be placed into His service,” wrote Roy Bleick, in Much More Than Giving.

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Definition: Christian stewardship is the free and joyous activity of the child of God and God’s family, the Church, in managing life and all of life

(taken from The Center of Stewardship at Concordia Seminary, Rev. Wayne J. Knolhoff)

As we get ready to start the 2025 budgeting process and fall stewardship drive this article has several good points we want you to consider.  WE DON’T OWN ANYTHING.  We are administrators at best of what God has given us.  We’ve all had good managers/bosses and bad managers/bosses.  How do we manage well what we have?  It’s a blessing to be given all we have to manage.  God has been good to us, can I get an amen?  AMEN! 

Here's some things to consider as we get ready for this season:

1.  How have you defined stewardship?  How does it compare with the LCMS definition stated above?

2.  How did you come to your definition?

3.  What damage does a narrow definition of stewardship (limiting it to money) do to a Christians’ relationship to God?

4.  What meaning is given to the word oikonomia in each of the following passages?

a. Luke 16:2-4

b. 1 Corinthians 9:17

c. Ephesians 1:10

d. Colossians 1:25

e. 1 Timothy 1:4

5. Since the word “stewardship’ has a bad reputation, should another word be used?  If so, what?  If not, how would you go about reclaiming its proper definition?

Questions or comments?  Talk to us!

David and Jackie Ohmann, Stewardship Committee

Stewards, Called to Forgiveness

Human beings were created and redeemed to be stewards. Bearing the image of God (Gen. 1:26–28), the steward was created to reflect the Creator within creation. In a way, stewards are simply mirrors. Mirrors cannot do anything to the image that is placed in front of them.

A mirror was the first item in creation that embodied the computer term GIGO. “Garbage in, Garbage out.” In a computer, if you enter good data, you get a good result. You enter bad data; you will get a garbage result.

In photography, you can run an image through a filter, which can remove imperfections. Myriad apps allow for the option to cut people out, add people in and change backgrounds all in an attempt to make the perfect image. Mirrors cannot do that. They do not provide anything new. Mirrors are created to reflect, not process, an image. They simply reflect the person standing in front of them.

Stewards are like this. Created to reflect, a steward will reflect the God in front of them. The steward will either reflect a godly stewardship that holds that God is the owner of all things (Ps. 24:1) and is the One to whom they are accountable, or they will reflect the god of self and see the created order as something to be possessed, used, and in far too many cases, abused. It is not a question of IF the steward reflects, it is really a question of WHO is being reflected.

For this reason, the Lutheran Service Book has included a necessary hymn worthy of meditation: “Forgive Us, Lord, for Shallow Thankfulness” (LSB 788). Its first verse reads:

Forgive us, Lord, for shallow thankfulness,

For dull content with warmth and sheltered care,

For songs of praise for food and harvest press,

While of Your richer gifts we’re unaware. 

This is a fitting call to repentance for every steward. Our thankfulness is so often shallow. We get comfortable with the overflowing blessings we have entrusted to us by the Lord. These trusts are so many that the steward often forgets the One who entrusts them. Worse, with so many physical trusts evident, the steward loses sight of the greatest trust: the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The failed steward sees so much plenty that they lose sight of the treasure: Jesus!

So, we confess our shallow thankfulness. In absolution, the imperfections of the failed steward are wiped away and a new image is sent into the world. We release our hold on stuff. We rethink our relationship with the created order and recall that it is all to be used FOR JESUS! This keeps the richer gifts in view, for us and for those we know and love who need Jesus.



Thank you to the saints of God at Trinity, Northfield who organized, decorated, helped, served and offered greetings to us August 11. Special thanks to Pastor Klein who sent letters out to former congregations and colleagues and friends. We were quite overwhelmed by the number of people who came to the service/dinner: friends, members from both far and near. Thanks to Trinity Choir and David, as that song was special when contemplating service in Kazakhstan—“Here I am, Lord—send me.” It was such a wonderful day for us and for our family, and as Pastor Nours message reminded us: we are all servants of the Lord, doing all that we do to Gods glory and the spreading of the saving Gospel Message to the world. It is a joy to continue serving the Lord with you in this blessed place—Pastor Boehme and Judy (loved the plaque).


Wednesday dinners start on September 4th.  With the start of confirmation classes and music practices this fall, there will again be Wednesday dinners twice a month in the Fellowship Hall.  Everyone at Trinity is welcome to come for a home-cooked dinner at 6:00 p.m.  There is a free will offering basket to help cover food costs, but all are welcome to eat regardless of their ability to contribute.  This is a wonderful opportunity to eat with Trinity friends, old and new, and to take a night off from cooking.

There will be dinners during the fall on September 4th and 18th, October 2nd and 16th, and November 6th and 20th.  Please talk to Kurt or Barb Anderson if you have questions about the dinners and any dietary requirements, or if you would like to be a guest chef.  We hope to see you on September 4th!


September is the month for fresh apples and delicious apple desserts! On September 15th, the Fellowship Committee invites you to stay after church for homemade apple treats and coffee in the Fellowship Hall. You are also invited to bring your favorite apple dessert to share with your Trinity friends. Perhaps you have a special recipe from your mother or grandmother, or a new recipe you want to try. There is no sign up sheet and no need to bring your dessert ahead of time. Please talk to a Fellowship Committee member if you have questions: Barb Anderson, Colleen Gottsch, Rob Gottsch, Linda Hutton, Kay Koch, Darlene Larson, Linda Munson, and Bobbi Schmidtke.





Challenge for Youth: Changing things up this year – Alphabet verses to memorize.

· September 1-September 7: (I) I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

· September 8 – 14: (J) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8

· September 15-21: (K) Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies. Psalm 34:13

· September 22-28: (L) Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind. Luke 10:27

· September 29-October 5 (M) Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4

Youth Ministry Transition – I have received a Call to serve as the DCE at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church in St. Croix Falls, WI.  Our current plans are to be at Trinity until September 8.  The Board of Education, the Board of Elders, and a smattering of other volunteers have already started to work together and plan toward the future.  Your prayers for this transition and for the person God is preparing for this position will be greatly appreciated.

Sunday School for youth age 10 and older will begin on Sunday, September 16.  Volunteers are stepping up to help teach this group of youth and look forward to your participation.

Pregnancy Options (Faribault) 5k/10k “Run Baby Run” Fundraiser Event was wonderful!  Congratulations to our youth participants:  Erin Nybakke (10k), Abby Pape (5k) and Timothy Pape (5k).  Way to go Erin for your 1st place female finisher in the 10k category!

Thank you all – As Jeff and I move back to Wisconsin, we are moving away from a wonderful family here at Trinity!  I can’t believe that it’s been almost 5 years since I was blessed to start as your Director of Christian Education.  Time has passed by quickly and a lot of memories were packed into those short 5 years.  It was a tough beginning with the pandemic looming, but we endured and kept moving forward in faith and love. We have experienced worship, Bible studies, Confirmations, Graduations, VBS, zoom baking, destination unknowns, servant event trips, local service projects, sleepovers, craft nights, bowling, Bingo, Bunco, Christmas parties, Easter events, fundraisers (who will ever forget collecting/sorting thousands of pairs of shoes??), mystery dinners, 5k’s, bonfires, games, National Night Out games, an LCMS youth gathering, and a few trips to the Aitkin cabin.  With all these activities, and many more, our loving Triune God has inspired and blessed us through you and for that we are truly thankful.  Taking my favorite Bible verse, Jeremiah 29:11, into consideration, only God knew the plans He has for us as we began in 2019 and only He knows the plans he has for us as we part ways.  What happened in between those times was one of the biggest and best blessings I can ever imagine – the opportunity to worship, pray, play, laugh and love with you.  Thank you all for being the words, hands, and feet of Jesus to us!  You will never be forgotten. 

In Christian Love and Service, DCE Lisa.




SEPTEMBER 1 - The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9
Ephesians 6:10-20
Mark 7:14-23

SEPTEMBER 8 - Rally Sunday
Deuteronomy 6:4-12
2 Timothy 3:12-17
Matthew 28:16-20

SEPTEMBER 15 - The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Ecclesiastes 3:1-15
Ephesians 5:8-21L
Luke 14:15-24

SEPTEMBER 22 - The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Exodus 3:1-20
Romans 12:1-8
Matthew 17:14-21

SEPTEMBER 29 - The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Exodus 35:20-29
2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Luke 16:1-13




August 25 to 31 - John Pfeiffer

September 1 to  7 - John Greenfield

September 8 to 14 - Jim and Kay Koch

September 15 to 21 - Tony and Bobbi Schmidtke

September 22 to 28 - Brent Casmey

September 29 to October 5 - Rob and Colleen Gottsch


September 1 to 7 - Tony Schmidtke

September 8 to 14 - Brent Casmey

September 15 to 21 - Dan Wett

September 22 to 28 - Russell Kraft

September 29 to October 5 - Larry Pralle


September 1 - Josh Wagner

September 8 - Brent Casmey

September 15 - Amy Klein

September 22 - Becky DeMann

September 29 - Olivia Voigt


Sept 1 - John Pfeiffer and Kurt Anderson

Sept. 8 - Craig and Kathy Schuster

Sept. 15 - Larry and Joan Pralle


September 1 - Barbara Greenfield

September 8 - John Pfeiffer

September 15 - Tony Schmidtke

September 22 - Deb Thomforde

September 29 - Kurt Anderson



USHER SCHEDULE            

September 1 - Group F

September 8 - Group G

September 15 - Group H

September 22 - Group A

September 29 - Group B

Group A - Ray Larson, Dave Downhour, Ray Ozmun, Larry Pralle
Group B - Tom Pumper, Jeff and Holly Ciffra, Jackie Ohmann
Group C - Kurt Anderson, Brent Casmey, Russell Kraft, Jim Koch
Group D - John Greenfield, Josh Wagner, Jesse Hinz, Kevin Mortensen, Sheldon Volkert
Group E - David, Erin, and Jared Nybakke, Jonathan Ohmann, Martin Ohmann, David Ohmann
Group F - Tony and Bobbi Schmidtke, Grant Hovland, John Pfeiffer
Group G - Craig and Kathy Schuster, Jim Grieser, Jeff Martinson
Group H - Dan Wett, Rudy, Myleen, and Ashlie Maurer, Rob Gottsch, Jim Frederick



PLEASE NOTEIf these times do not work for you, please remember that it is your responsibility to find a replacement or someone to switch with.   (Special services are in bold, italics.)


 Sept. 1 - Barb Greenfield                    Group F                Josh Wagner

Sept. 8 - John Pfeiffer                         Group G             Brent Casmey

Sept. 15 - Tony Schmidtke                 Group H                 Amy Klein

Sept. 22 - Deb Thomforde                 Group A             Becky DeMann

Sept. 29 -  Kurt Anderson                  Group B               Olivia Voigt



Sept 1 - John Pfeiffer and Kurt Anderson

Sept. 8 - Craig & Kathy Schuster

Sept. 15 - Larry & Joan Pralle


VACUUMING                   AND                    MOWING

John Greenfield            September 1 to 7            Tony Schmidtke        

Jim & Kay Koch            September 8 to 14          Brent Casmey

Schmidtke’s                   September 15 to 21             Dan Wett

Brent Casmey               September 22 to 28         Russell Kraft

Gottsch’s                        Sept. 29 to Oct. 5              Larry Pralle


ALTAR GUILD - Darlene Larson, June Rado, Marcia Huber

COUNTING TEAM- Deb and Karl Thomforde

                                               Brenda and Kraig Niebuhr