
Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church - LCMS
                                     803 Winona Street
                              Northfield, MN

Worship Times are:
         Thursday - 6:00 pm w/Holy Communion
      Sunday - 9:00 am w/Holy Communion

Bible Classes Available:
        Sunday - 10:30 am
        Sunday School (from Sept - May) - 10:30 am
        Monday - 6:30 pm
        LWML Bible Study - 2nd Wednesday of the month - 1:30 pm      
        Wednesday (from Sept - May, 1st and 3rd Wednesday) -                                        6:30 pm
        Catechism Class (age 5th through 7th grade, from Sept - April)
                           Wednesday Evenings - 6:30 pm 


Check back soon for more announcements.